2022 State of Environmental Monitoring Report

Welcome to the first annual State of Environmental Monitoring report, an in-depth look into the environmental monitoring industry formed from the responses of over 200 scientists, engineers, and industry specialists. As organizations are forced to digitize, remote monitoring, demands from stakeholders and talent shortages are all on the horizon in 2022.

Real-Time Is Growing

Real-time monitoring adoption continues to grow as more end-user organizations are adopting real-time but according to the data there is a serious shortage of talent. At the same time, end-users and other stakeholders (community groups, regulators, internal departments) are demanding more data communication. With identified limitations in sensing hardware and skills-gaps, there are opportunities across the industry and verticals.

Challenges and Changes on the Horizon

A push to digital data management and increasing demand from stakeholders for data transparency is putting pressure across the industry for better data analytics, data presentation and notification as organizations move to monitor more parameters in their programs.


reported an increasing demand for real-time data access as their top upcoming challenge


reported using some real- time and remote monitoring in their organisations


reported their biggest change in 2022 will be monitoring more parameters

State of Environmental Monitoring 2022